What is ecosystem leadership?

At its simplest ecosystem leadership is an intentionally developed ‘system’ of leadership that operates across an organisation.

Ecosystem leadership is an approach to leadership that provides a frame for all leadership activity – formal and informal, individual and collective.

Ecosystem leadership is a collaborative, self-improving approach to leadership that is systematic, integrated, comprehensive and agreed. A system of leadership that is ‘fit for purpose’ – based on an organisation’s unique context.

The five key elements of an ecosystem approach

  1. Leadership context – the internal and external nature and circumstances of the ecosystem.
  2. Leadership vision and principles – the overarching purpose and foundational principles of the ecosystem design and operation.
  3. Leadership processes – the interconnections and systems within and beyond the ecosystem.
  4. Leadership focuses – the emphases and priorities of the system’s operation.
  5. Leadership impact – the outputs and outcomes that result from the ecosystem’s efforts.

How can ecosystem leadership improve organisational outcomes?

There is increasing research and evidence about the effectiveness of collective leadership approaches.

Collective leadership can predict team effectiveness, and lead to higher rates of leader engagement, commitment, leader to leader feedback, capacity to meet business challenges, and improved cultures and practice of professional learning, together with a lessened risk of leaders leaving an organisation.

The benefits of an ecosystem approach to leadership

Developing an ecosystem approach to leadership can have abroad range of benefits for an organisation. It can improve the consistency and coherence of leadership practice, allow diversity of leadership practice within a common framework, create leadership efficiencies, support succession planning and improve leadership performance & organisational outcomes.

How to create a leadership ecosystem

A leadership ecosystem should be developed collaboratively – it should involve consultation and input from all the organisation’s key stakeholders.

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