Improving collective leadership in schools

Improving collective leadership in schools

Creating a whole-school approach to collaborative leadership.

Creating a whole-school approach to collaborative leadership.

We are better together than alone!

Create a more coordinated and systematic approach to leadership

Harness your leadership capacity and collectively improve your performance and impact.

Natural ecosystems have successfully operated across our planet for millennia – creating comprehensive, coherent, and integrated systems of operation.

They provide a template for human systems.

Using ecosystem operation as a model to develop an organisation’s leadership approach provides an opportunity to create a system of leadership aligned to local needs, interests, and aspirations.

Harness your potential

Harness your potential

‘It seems to me that whereas power usually means power-over, the power of some person or group over some other person or group, it is possible to develop the conception of power-with, a jointly developed power, a co-active, not a coercive power.’ Mary Parker Follett.

Ecosystem leadership is an approach that seeks to bring together the efforts of all leaders in an organisation – a collaborative approach to leadership that is intentional, integrated, comprehensive and agreed.

Ecosystem leadership provides us with a holistic way of leading that connects leadership effort, a self-improving system that works for the benefit of individuals, teams and the organisation and its stakeholders, clients and customers.

Ecosystem leadership

Ecosystem leadership can help your school to empower all leaders (formal and informal) to contribute more effectively to the school’s leadership efforts.

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